Monday, May 9, 2011

Phil's Daily Life as of Recent

Last time I posted on the blog, I hypothesized that Phil had arthritis in his left wrist.  Last weekend, when Phil went to the doctor, he was indeed diagnosed with arthritis in his left wrist.  This news upset the entire family, as well as Phil, because he and us know that this is just the start of the health concerns that Phil may face.  His daily life has become increasingly difficult to live.  His lives on pain killers, and has a lot of trouble maneuvering around as he can not use his left wrist for support.  Another concern that has arisen for Phil is his heart.  While at his appointment, his doctor seemed slightly concerned with an irregular rhythm.  He reiterated that this could be caused by a number of different problems, but our family knew that this had a direct relation to Phil's HH.  Now, Phil is not allowed to exert himself to the fullest while playing sports, for fear of a possible heart attack.  Phil is concerned that something may one day occur that could truly harm him.  He knows this is not likely, but lives a life filled with speculation of what his next health problem, if any, may be.  He is uncertain about his physical condition, so he is extremely careful with his body.  He has begun a healthy diet and has reduced his athletics by a good amount.  If he continues to take precautions, he will be able to live a healthy life, but for now, we will just have to wait and see what will come next.

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