Monday, May 9, 2011

Hope For a Cure

Through research, scientists are coming closer to a cure for HH. They are studying the HFE gene, and why its mutations can cause this disease. They are also studying the connection between genetics and why certain people absorb more iron from the foods that they eat.  Another intriguing topic scientists are trying to decode is why only certain people with the defected HFE gene are actually diagnosed with the disease.  Many have the mutation, so why do only some people actually get the disease?   In addition, screening and testing are issues that are under experiment today.  Questions such as what ages should be tested for HH, and which groups of people should be tested are being researched, and soon, resolutions will come to answer these important questions.  If continued support of HH organizations occurs, scientists will be able to quickly find a cure for HH.  Many advancements have been made thus far, so the sky is the limit for what can happen next.  Everyday, Phil wakes up considering himself lucky.  He knows that he is lucky to be alive, lucky to be surrounded by people who truly care for him, and lucky that through powerful research, HH may soon be cured, and that his life can be restored to a normal and healthy state.

1 comment:

  1. You covered a broad spectrum of scientific areas here. Did you find out anything about iron absorption? Just curious:)
